"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Monday, April 22, 2013

GERALD CELENTE WW3 IN MOTION - ARCHIVES The Nightmare Scenario. The System is Imploding

GERALD CELENTE WW3 IN MOTION - ARCHIVES The Nightmare Scenario. The System is Imploding

They do it here. Wreck the economies, lower wages, send jobs overseas, bring in legal and illegal cheap foreign labor. So then you are forced to live on credit, welfare and so on. They make people addicted to welfare and credit cards. Everyone knows credit cards are seen as the poor working mans/womans independence card. The independence card is what your food stamps are on now. Many people who use credit cards thought the money was “free”. Mostly young naive people. White young naive people. I am not picking on them. But they make the conditions so that a country is ripe for welfare and credit. They make you dependent on them. I am pretty sure its the same way in Europe. But now all the money is running out. Sure they can print up more but that just devalues the currency and causes inflation. Thats no good at all.