Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lindsey Williams vindicated

Lindsey Williams vindicated : . Since Lindsey appeared on the show earlier this year, his prediction about a war in the Middle East expanding into World War 3 are coming true as the U.S. invades Libya. Lindsey William has 55-years of experience as a Pastor, Baptist minister Lindsey Williams. Lindsey revealed on the Alex Jones Show recently new groundbreaking information about the plans of the global elite. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain of the Alyeska Pipeline Company, Williams has been privy to the plans of the elite for years. Last year Williams predicted the price of oil would go up significantly and the market has since skyrocketed, most recently in response to the outbreak of engineered revolution and violence in the Middle East, developments also revealed to Williams by the global elite. Alex also covers the latest breaking news and takes your calls during the show.