Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lindsey Williams 2012 Financial Armageddon

Lindsey Williams 2012 Financial Armageddon : Lindsey Williams - False Flag Operations + Gold @ $3000/oz Patriot Pastor Lindsey Williams spills the beans on the dire predictions foretold by Ken Fromm formerly of Richfield Oil on his death bed confession and the other Mister X who still wants to remain anonymous but does not care much for giving Lindsey Williams key insiders information because he is too old to ever care .Listen to what this man is saying. They are not gonna destroy the infrastructure of the West. They are just gonna impoverish people (the masses) who are ignorant and dont understand what fiat money truly is. They TELL YOU on the news that inflation is increasing. That means your paper currency is becoming worthless. They are telling you for Gods sake. Listen to Lindsey he`s trying to warn you. Convert your money into Gold and Silver or Food and Guns. All of these will be highly valued shortly.