Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lindsey Williams with new Breaking News - 28 Dec 2011

Pastor Lindsey Williams is back on the Alex Jones with some hot new breaking news : some key points are : The Financial collapse is not going to happen , the war with Iran is planned and it is going to take place very shortly , on Christmas day the American federal reserve gave 600 billion of American tax payers money to the ECB the European Central Bank , then Lindsey Williams talks about the very important 11/21/2002 Ben Bernarke Speech before the National economist Club in Washington DC where the ex FED Chairman laid down a 5 points plan to what he would do , Ben Bernanke at that time was not yet a FED Chairman but just a governor , whatever he said on that speech is exactly what is going to happen , the blueprint of what the elite are up to is all in that speech....