Monday, January 23, 2012

Lindsey Williams was right Again

Lindsey Williams US Nato Alex Jones Iranian Last War III - Danger of China - Future Events - Troops Lindsey Williams elite friend has given Lindsey the plan for the next 2 years starting in OCT 2009 going thru OCT 2011. We have seen much of what he was told already happen. War and the dollar collapse have yet to come.Lindsey spoke with his elitist friend again and was told secretive startling NEW information! Using charts, diagrams, and video-revelations, Lindsey explains his new conversation. Subjects include: 2010 economics and beyond; Dubai World - Derivatives; Food, but No Money; One World China; War; and 30 to 50% inflation.Pay attention people and remember what Pastor Lindsey has to say. Most won't believe him anyway but in the end you will remember and know what the truth was. I hope you use the information to your benefit.