The Lindsey Williams Blog : This Blog tracks the media appearances of Pastor Lindsey Williams and his interviews about , Oil prices, Alaska Oil and The Energy Non Crisis
Monday, September 24, 2012
Lindsey Williams Reveals The Secrets behind QE3 aka QEternity
Lindsey Williams QE3 Update : Thursday September 13, 2012 Federal Reserve chairman announced infinite quantitative easing.
QE1 gave money to US banks for the mortgage crisis. QE2 promised to spur the US enconomy after QE1 failed to do so...but BILLIONS went to foreign banks. Neither QE1 or QE2 gave money to the American people.
With QE3 the Federal Reserve will purchase 40 BILLION dollar of mortgage backed securities PER MONTH!...indefinitely!
Pastor Lindsey Williams explains the horror of what lies ahead for the American people and the American dollar. Lindsey Williams broke down what QE to infinity is really about. The Fed/elite owning all mortgaged real estate in America and the banks buying treasuries. Along with it, continued devaluation of the dollar and eventual collapse of the derivative market and all currencies: