Friday, January 25, 2013

Lindsey Williams : Learn To Survive and Become Your Own Doctor

Lindsey Williams : Learn To Survive and Become Your Own Doctor

Lindsey Williams Pathfinder Radio Jan 17 2013 : the elite especially the older ones are very very concerned about what Obama is doing right now , he is out of control even for the elite , the elite do not want a revolution quite to the contrary the want to bring in the NWO under their control , they do not want to destroy America before they have it under control , they want control of everything your house your land but they do not want a revolution in America nor do they want a collapse , they are not ready for it says Lindsey Williams , if the elite have their way there won't be a financial collapse for the next 2 to 3 years , they want first to sink everybody and everything in debt and tax into oblivion the middle class in America ....the elite will keep on pushing their agenda until the Americans will beg to give up their constitution ....Learn to