"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Monday, September 30, 2013

Future Economic Collapse of America - Martial Law - Lindsey Williams

Future Economic Collapse of America - Martial Law - Lindsey Williams

Gerald Celente and the Gangs That Run the World.. SIC Episode 40.1

September 25, 2013 On this week on Silence of Complience, Anthony Antonello opens the show with Gerald Celente, Publisher of Trends Journal and talk about what has happened to this Country and where it is headed. Current events were covered, Anthony had a set-up, troll caller that has been harassing him actually call the show only to find out you can't embarrass somebody telling the truth and that doesn't believe in your system.

America, Watching a Train Wreck in Slow Motion.. SIC Episode 40.3

September 25, 2013 On this week on Silence of Complience, Anthony Antonello opens the show with Gerald Celente, Publisher of Trends Journal and talk about what has happened to this Country and where it is headed. Current events were covered, Anthony had a set-up, troll caller that has been harassing him actually call the show only to find out you can't embarrass somebody telling the truth and that doesn't believe in your system

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Macro Finance_ Coming Soon End Of The Dollar America Lindsey Williams And Gerald Celente

Macro Finance_ Coming Soon End Of The Dollar America Lindsey Williams And Gerald Celente

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Gerald Celente - The global economy, where the world is heading - September 25, 2013

Gerald Celente - The global economy, where the world is heading - September 25, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Gerald Celente The selloff of America

Financial institutions on Wall Street are preparing to pay a shocking record $144 billion dollars in compensation & benefits. This amid spiraling foreclosures and an economic crisis that has devastated Americans, leaving many out in the street. Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute says that the gap between rich and poor in the US will continue to get larger because of the bank bailout that Washington shelled out in 2008.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

LINDSEY WILLIAMS on Jeff Rense Radio : Insider Globalist Plans Revealed

Pastor Lindsey Williams, former minister to the global oil companies during the building of the Alaskan pipeline, and future trends reporter on economic and financial issues, announced on the Just Measures Radio Pathfinder program the ten financial and economic plans scheduled for America over the next four years. Beginning with a massive increase of forced debt on the Federal government, states, and the American people, the end game is for the dollar to be phased out, and to have over 70% of the population reliant upon government benefits by 2016.

    10 agendas the American people will face over the next 4 years

    1. There is going to be forced debt creation

    2. They will tax the middle class into oblivion

    3. Debt limit suspended

    4. Dollar will be phased out over the next four years

    5. Formula = Fed QE3 will devalue the dollar 3-4%, new historic taxes, Obamacare tax, food price increases, work week hours decreasing

    6. Middle class to feel the effects of a global 'fistfight' between the old elite, a renegade President, and a new elite coming out of Asia

    7. By the end of the next four years, 70% will be dependent in some form of government benefit

    8. By 2016, gold will be at $3000 per ounce, and will be the only thing maintaining purchasing power

    9. Plan to take over churches (that are mortgaged)

    10. Millions of Muslims will be brought in to the country over the next four years. - Lindsey William, Pathfinder Radio Show, Dec. 4

According to Pastor Williams and his sources, the primary purpose of implementing these programs is for the eventual phasing out of the dollar, and ensuring the population is ready for a new currency and economic system. Already, debt for most Americans is increasing as student loans reach historic highs, long term unemployment remains at Depression era levels, little or no middle income jobs are being created, and inflation has raised the cost of food by more than 30% in the past year alone.

In regards to the dollar, its days appear numbered even before Pastor Williams announced the intention of the ruling class. China has implemented three distinct programs which now allow three billion people across the globe to perform transactions, including in energy, in currencies other than the dollar.

During the month of December and leading into January of 2013, Congress, along with President Obama, are discussing several tax, spending, and debt programs to help alleviate a perceived 'fiscal cliff' that will occur when the Bush tax cuts end, and national healthcare (Obamacare) begins. One of these debt programs is to allow the White House to seize control the debt ceiling, thus eliminating it from Congressional control, and allowing government borrowing to occur limitless according to law. This, along with unlimited money printing and bond buying from the Federal Reserve, will accelerate the death of the dollar, and bring massive inflation through which the American people will have difficulty buying goods and services without government intervention.

Old world economies in the West have not recovered since the 2008 credit crash, and in fact have gotten much worse. Nations such as Italy, Spain, and Greece have lost their leadership, and remain in such economic straits that riots are becoming weekly occurrences. In the Untied States, economic growth has fallen below 2%, with hundreds of companies laying off employees by the thousands. Additionally, America's largest employer Walmart is preparing to cut worker hours to less than 30 per week to ensure they don't incur the premium costs of Obamacare next year.

With the election season over, and Barack Obama once again in office for another four years, a ramp up of his original plans to redistribute wealth, and tax Americans through a myriad of programs is virtually assured. In response, that slowdown of economic growth, rising inflation from the Fed devaluing the dollar, and the growing number of Americans now reliant upon government benefits gives a great deal of credence to the ten agendas Americans can expect to see on the horizon for themselves and the country during the next four years.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lindsey Williams on The Plans of the Elite - 4/30/2013

Lindsey Williams on The Plans of the Elite - 4/30/2013

Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners,&quot ; he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lindsey Williams: How Interest Rates Will Implode the World Economy, Federal Reserve Test

Lindsey Williams: How Interest Rates Will Implode the World Economy, Federal Reserve Test

Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners,&quot ; he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Gerald Celente Trends In The News Moral Obscenities 8 27 13

Gerald Celente Trends In The News Moral Obscenities 8 27 13

"Western countries war talk of intervention inside Syria, the constitution is now officially dead & did Miley Cyrus' recent VMA appearance really have a bad influence on kids? Does a bear shit in the woods!? Think for yourself!"

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Dollar no longer primary oil currency as China begins to sell oil using Yuan | National Finance Examiner

On Sept. 11, Pastor Lindsey Williams, former minister to the global oil companies during the building of the Alaskan pipeline, announced the most significant event to affect the U.S. dollar since its inception as a currency.

For the first time since the 1970's, when Henry Kissenger forged a trade agreement with the Royal house of Saud to sell oil using only U.S. dollars, Chinaannounced its intention to bypass the dollar for global oil customers and began selling the commodity using their own currency.
Lindsey Williams: "The most significant day in the history of the American dollar, since its inception, happened on Thursday, Sept. 6. On that day, something took place that is going to affect your life, your family, your dinner table more than you can possibly imagine."
"On Thursday, Sept. 6... just a few days ago, China made the official announcement. China said on that day, our banking system is ready, all of our communication systems are ready, all of the transfer systems are ready, and as of that day, Thursday, Sept. 6, any nation in the world that wishes from this point on, to buy, sell, or trade crude oil, can do using the Chinese currency, not the American dollar. - Interview with Natty Bumpo on the Just Measures Radio network, Sept. 11

This announcement by China is one of the most significant sea changes in the global economic and monetary systems, but was barely reported on due to its announcement taking place during the Democratic convention last week. The ramifications of this new action are vast, and could very well be the catalyst that brings down the dollar as the global reserve currency, and change the entire landscape of how the world purchases energy.

Ironically, since Sept. 6, the U.S. dollar has fallen from 81.467 on the index to today's price of 79.73. While analysts will focus on actions taking place in the Eurozone, and expected easing signals from the Federal Reserve on Thursday regarding the fall of the dollar, it is not coincidence that the dollar began to lose strength on the very day of China's announcement.

Since China is not a natural oil producing nation, the question most people will ask is how will the Asian economic power get enough oil to affect dollar hegemony? That question was also answered by Lindsey Williams when he pointed out a new trade agreement that was signed on Sept. 7 between China and Russia, in which the Russian Federation agreed to sell oil to China in any and all amounts they desired.

Lindsey Williams: "This has never happened in the history of crude oil. Since crude oil became the motivating force behind our (U.S.) entire economy, and everything in our lives revolves around crude oil. And since crude oil became the motivating factor behind our economy... never, ever has crude oil been sold, bought, traded, in any country in the world, without using the American dollar."
"Crude oil is the standard currency of the world. Not the Yen, not the Pound, not the Dollar. More money is transferred around the world in crude oil than in any other product."
"On Friday, Sept. 7, Russia announced, that as of today, we will supply China with all of the crude oil that they need, no matter how much they want... there is no limit. And Russia will not sell or trade this crude oil to China using the American dollar." -Interview with Natty Bumpo on the Just Measures Radio network, Sept. 11

These duo actions by the two most powerful adversaries of the U.S. economy and empire, have now joined in to make a move to attack the primary economic stronghold that keeps America as the most powerful economic superpower. Once the majority of the world begins to bypass the dollar, and purchase oil in other currencies, then the full weight of our debt and diminished manufacturing structure will come crashing down on the American people.

This new agreement between Russia and China also has serious ramifications in regards to Iran, and the rest of the Middle East. No longer will U.S. sanctions against Iran have a measurable affect, as the rogue nation can simply choose to sell its oil to China, and receive Yuan in return, and use that currency to trade for the necessary resources it needs to sustain its economy and nuclear programs.

The world changed last week, and there was nary a word spoken by Wall Street or by politicians who reveled in their own magnificence as this event took place during the party conventions.

A major blow was done on Sept. 6 to the American empire, and to the power of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency. And China, along with Russia, are now aiming to become the controllers of energy, and thus, controllers of a new petro-currency.

For more on finance and economics, you can follow Ken Schortgen Jr on Twitter, and listen to the weekly economic roundup segment of the Angel Clark radio show from 6-7p.m. est on Friday evenings.

Sep 12, 2013
Read the full article...

GERALD CELENTE Trends in the News ISRAEL to STEAL more LAND, Middle East Unrest, Economic Crisis

We the people do not want war. But the big Governments do. Lets awaken the masses and show them the lies that are hidden in plain sight.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Lindsey Williams Elite Emergency Data September 2013 Latest Info

Lindsey Williams Elite Emergency Data September 2013 Latest Info. This info is not copyrighted and Lindsey Williams insist that we get this material out.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lindsey Williams NEW DVD - Elite Emergency Data September 2013 Latest Info

Chaplain Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners," he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in this book. After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis. Because of the outstanding public response that has been generated by this book, Lindsey Williams is in great demand for speaking engagements, radio, and TV shows.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lindsey Williams ~ Elite Emergency Data

Elite Emergency Data - Lindsey Williams

Chaplain Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners," he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in this book. After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis. Because of the outstanding public response that has been generated by this book, Lindsey Williams is in great demand for speaking engagements, radio, and TV shows.

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Double Standardization" - (9/10/13)

"Rising interest rates slamming homeowner demand, Barack Obama loses his fight to strike Syria & hate crimes go both ways..."
Original release: 9/10/13.

Gerald Celente - Off the Grid Radio - September 13, 2013

The Saga of American Exceptionalism - what it is, what it was, and what it could be. The discussion really centers on Putin's Op-Ed article in the Wall Street Journal earlier in the week. The talk also goes over off-the-grid ideas for listeners wanting to get out of the cycle of despair perpetuated by the mainline media.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Gerald Celente - The global economy and the crisis in Syria - September 11, 2013

Gerald Celente - The global economy and the crisis in Syria - September 11, 2013

Gerald Celente - U.S. strike on Syria ,Chemical weapons ,Middle East- September 11, 2013

Gerald Celente - U.S. strike on Syria ,Chemical weapons ,Middle East- September 11, 2013

Carnivora Immune Defense Lindsey Williams

Carnivora (TM) - Protect Your Immune System with Immune Modulation! ImmuneModulation — Want to STAY Healthy? Not feeling well? Why do too many of us experience early, moderate or severe challenges to our Immune System - while others do not?

Carnivora - Watch Powerful Immune Defense Come Alive with just 3 Carnivora Capsules .Dr. C. Joe Schneller M.D., N.D., D.Sc., D.Ac., D.C. and Inventor of World's First Hybrid Darkfield Microscope performs preliminary study demonstrating how Capsules Carnivora wake up important white blood cells & NK cells of the immune system creating "Powerful Immune Defense."

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lindsey Williams Taxed Into Oblivion

Chaplain Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners," he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company.
Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in this book.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.

Because of the outstanding public response that has been generated by this book, Lindsey Williams is in great demand for speaking engagements, radio, and TV shows.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Gerald Celente - The global economy and the crisis in Syria - GoldSeek Radio - September 11, 2013

Gerald Celente - The global economy and the crisis in Syria - GoldSeek Radio - September 11, 2013

Gerald Celente
The Trends Research Institute
The Martial Artist of Trend Forecasting —The purpose of trend forecasting is to provide insights and directions in anticipation of what the future may bring – and to be prepared for the unexpected. Gerald Celente, a Close Combat practitioner and black belt trainer, well understands the importance of proacting rather than reacting: "The first rule of Close Combat is to attack the attacker. Action is faster than reaction. The same holds true for the future. You know the future is coming … attack it before it attacks you."
Founder of The Trends Research Institute in 1980, Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist. He is author of the national bestseller Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking (Warner Books) – "Far better than Megatrends," and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter.
Political Atheist — Gerald Celente is a political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is "think for yourself," observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are – not for the way he wants them to be.
Like a doctor giving a diagnosis after gathering the facts, whether or not you like the prognosis doesn’t alter the outcome, make him an optimist or pessimist – it’s simply what is. And while Celente holds a US passport, he considers himself a citizen of the world.
Globalnomic® Trend Forecaster — Using his unique perspectives on current events forming future trends, Gerald Celente developed the Globalnomic® methodology which is used to identify, track, forecast and manage trends.
The world's only trends analyst covering 300 diversified trends fields, Gerald Celente and the Trends Research Institute provide trend research studies and consulting services to businesses and governments worldwide. Celente also designed the nation’s first professional course in trend forecasting.
The proof is in his past — Gerald Celente has earned his reputation as "The most trusted name in trends" by accurately forecasting hundreds of social, business, consumer, environmental, economic, political, entertainment, and technology trends. Among them:
Celente coined the term "clean foods" in 1993 and predicted sustained growth in organic products in 1988.

When gold was at $275 per ounce in 2002, Celente said the price had bottomed and in 2004 forecast the beginning of the "Gold Bull Run." Since that time, with pinpoint accuracy, he said when, why - and how high - gold would go. *youtube.com recording.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Gerald Celente - The American Invasion

"Poverty growing inside America, Barack Obama bringing The United States into yet another meaningless war & additional reasons of why to support your local food markets. Remember: WATCH OUT this Labor Day weekend! There may be a surprise...!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gerald Celente - The Goddard Report - September 12, 2013

Gerald discusses the degridation of mainstream media .Today one of the most highly respected fund managers in Singapore shocked King World News when he said that custodians of the ETF GLD have refused to give people physical gold in exchange for the shares.For every one of those 55 people (or entities with claims on gold), only one of them is going to get that ounce of gold when the day of reckoning comes.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News! Pure Propaganda!

"Western countries war talk of intervention inside Syria, the constitution is now officially dead & did Miley Cyrus' recent VMA appearance really have a bad influence on kids? Does a bear shit in the woods!? Think for yourself!"

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "Moral Obscenities" - (8/27/13)

"Western countries war talk of intervention inside Syria, the constitution is now officially dead & did Miley Cyrus' recent VMA appearance really have a bad influence on kids? Does a bear shit in the woods!? Think for yourself!"

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Gerald Celente - US civil war is coming

Gerald Celente - US civil war is coming

Monday, September 9, 2013

Gerald Celente 2013 Forecast Iran War, Economic Collapse, Unemployment, Gold, Silver

Gerald Celente 2013 Forecast Iran War, Economic Collapse, Unemployment, Gold, Silver

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - ''Interest Of Nation' - 8/12/13

"Richard Nixon's resignation, more drones killing innocent people in Yemen & speculation on the dollar's longterm strength."

Saturday, September 7, 2013


GERALD CELENTE and ALEX JONES discuss the POTENTIAL PROBLEMS of OBAMAS SYRIA INVASION (WAR, WW3) His forecasts since 1993 [10] have included predictions about terrorism, economic collapses and war. More recent forecasts involve fascism in the United States, food riots and tax revolts.[3][11][12][13][14][15] Celente has long predicted global anti-Americanism, a failing economy and immigration woes in the U.S.[11] In December 2007 Celente wrote, "Failing banks, busted brokerages, toppled corporate giants, bankrupt cities, states in default, foreign creditors cashing out of US securities ... whatever the spark, the stage is set for panic in the streets" and "Just as the Twin Towers collapsed from the top down, so too will the U.S. economy ... when the giant firms fall, they'll crush the man on the street." He has also predicted tax revolts.[16][17] In November 2008 Celente appeared on Fox Business Network and predicted economic depression, tax rebellions and food riots in the United States by 2012.[18] Celente also predicted an "economic 9/11" and a "panic of 2008."[19] In 2009 Celente predicted turmoil which he described as "Obamageddon" and he was a popular guest on conservative cable-TV shows such as Fox News Sunday and Glenn Beck's television program.[6] In April 2009 Celente wrote, "Wall Street controls our financial lives; the media manipulates our minds. These systems cannot be changed from within. There is no alternative. Without a revolution, these institutions will bankrupt the country, keep fighting failed wars, start new ones, and hold us in perpetual intellectual subjugation."[20] He appeared on the Glenn Beck show and criticized the U.S. stimulus plan of 2009, calling government controlled capitalism "fascism" and saying shopping malls in the U.S. would become "ghost malls."[21] Celente has said, "smaller communities, the smaller groups, the smaller states, the more self-sustaining communities, will 'weather the crisis in style' as big cities and hypertrophic suburbias descend into misery and conflict," and forecasts "a downsizing of America."[14] Hugo Lindgren and ABC News have labelled Celente's predictions "pessimism porn" for their doom and the alleged eschatological thrill some people receive from imagining his predictions of the collapse of civil society in the wake of a global economic crisis.[22][23] Revolution in the USA[edit source | editbeta] On Russia Today, he predicted that the USA would face a revolution.[24] Neosurvivalism[edit source | editbeta] Celente's website has stated that:

Friday, September 6, 2013

Gerlad Celente ~ Consequences of Obama's Syria Invasion Could be Irreversible

Alex is joined by Analyst and publisher of Trends Journal, Gerlad Celente to discuss the blatant lies that are bringing us to the point of war in Syria.

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Academy's Final Stages!" - (9/5/13)

"The "brilliant" Larry Summers possibly to become FED chairman, Vladimir Putin calls John Kerry a liar & the final stages of the newly renovated Kingston Academy!"
Original release: 9/5/13

Gerald Celente The Business of America Has Become War

Gerald Celente The Business of America Has Become War

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gerald Celente - Lieberman Live - September 4, 2013

The Trends Journal® is the World's #1 source for the most important trends that are shaping the future. The Trends Journal® shows you how these trends will affect your life, how to profit from them, and what to do to avoid pitfalls. Regardless of business or profession, the Trends Journal® provides insights, strategies and opportunities to help you navigate these treacherous, unprecedented times.

Gerald Celente - Michael Covel: Trend Following - September 5, 2013

Gerald discusses Bankers, the FED, and the Rigged System. The Trends Journal® is the World's #1 source for the most important trends that are shaping the future. The Trends Journal® shows you how these trends will affect your life, how to profit from them, and what to do to avoid pitfalls. Regardless of business or profession, the Trends Journal® provides insights, strategies and opportunities to help you navigate these treacherous, unprecedented times.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lindsey Williams - 2013 August - Healing the Elite Way

Advanced natural healing ways. Lindsey Williams explains that there is no reason to suffer from: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome. multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C, hormonal imbalance, vascular disease, immunological imbalance.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Gerald Celente talks to GoldMoney Alasdair Macleod

GoldMoney's Alasdair Macleod talks to Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute. Mr Celente expresses his concern with the ballooning Federal Reserve balance sheet and the officials, whom didn´t see the previous crisis and are now responsible for the current solutions. Alasdair Macleod extends this thought to Europe for further discussion.