"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Thursday, April 3, 2014

All World Currencies Going To Collapse -- Gerald Celente

Rothchild+Corporations+EU politicians+ every country in debt+enslaving the population,so bunch of people can live in castles with billions in banks( at least) and telling the poor people how long the cucumber should be and how much grapes they should produce!!! Thats what we end up with in 21 century! "Come to our Union,and we will protect you,and give you markets for your production,if you pay member fee" ..and "You want to have high standard life? We can give you 10 billion loan,enslave you with rising taxes and interests and flood your markets with Chinese products" That is exactly how i knew the mafia rules,when i grow up with them in the early 90's..,but mafia was far more general with just 25% tax,while the taxes in some countries can reach up to 60%!!! So i am asking..how people of Europe and their politicians,heads of proud countries with heritage and history,survived wars,attacks,invasions and so on,let bunch of greedy bankers and spineless politicians to ENSLAVE and DESTROY something,that we had for centuries??!! The world has never seen GENOCID of such enormous scale!!