The Lindsey Williams Blog : This Blog tracks the media appearances of Pastor Lindsey Williams and his interviews about , Oil prices, Alaska Oil and The Energy Non Crisis
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Evidence Of Economic Collapse Martial Law Preparations
Should have objected when China was manufacturing and selling you all that stuff for cheap, exchanging fruits of their hard labor for pieces of printed paper that your Federal Reserve bankers were turning up in bundles to keep you standards of living soaring, so you would feel yourselves superior compared to old Europe and whoever else (those fools who had to work to make their living rather than borrowing and stealing their kids' future). So what's the use condemning those dirty Chinese commies now, after all they only spend the money you paid them for their cheap stuff that you so despised but could not do without! And now they buy your country from under you! What else did you expect, that they simply hand it back to you one day? And you are still ruled by the same bunch of banksters' puppets, and they certainly are not going to remove themselves from power for you. If you are not up to this task yourselves, than nobody will do it! An you know you are not! So it will suck to be you and pretty soon!