The Lindsey Williams Blog : This Blog tracks the media appearances of Pastor Lindsey Williams and his interviews about , Oil prices, Alaska Oil and The Energy Non Crisis
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Economic Collapse Confirmed! Most Credible Video Ever!
This is a tough topic, because people either don’t won’t to believe it or are not capable because they lack the knowledge to comprehend what is being said. When you understand that our country can only operate based on debt/credit, not physical dollars, you finally see that the USA is a huge Ponzi scheme built on nothing more that our ability to borrow money. Our status as the world reserve currency has allowed us to borrow money that we do not have. The government says that there are 10 trillion dollars sitting in the US Banking system that we can go and easily withdrawal. How can that be true when there only exists 1.4 trillion of real money in circulation (dollars and coins) and more than one half of that is outside the US. This doesn’t include the 10s of trillions more that we owe other countries that have purchased our debt. If our creditors were to all come and ask for their money at one time there would be less than $1 dollar for every $1000 dollars owed. The world economy collapses. All Great empires based on fiat currencies end in this way. People I talk to like my wife and friends have no clue what is coming. This is a long video and I have edited it to half of its original length. It is the single most logical and credible documentary I have ever watched on the future of the US economy. It makes be sick that the Fed decided to bailout the corrupt bankers instead of the US citizens. Instead of bailing out the banks, the Fed could have paid off every consumer debt in the country and freed up trillions of dollars for the consumer. Instead they padded the pockets of the banking elite. I wanted to puke. Now they are setting things up to try one last historic cash grab. Driving the stock market to all time highs so then can short the hell out of it. I think Trump will snuff if he is not assassinated first. I am 58 years old and a registered professional engineer in Maryland. I have owned 3 very different types of businesses over the past 30 years.
I am now retired. I have watched hundreds of videos on the economy and done years of research into past financial failures going as back before the Roman Empire. Dr. Paul Roberts is one of my followers and referenced me in a video I produced on Sandy Hook. People do not want to acknowledge that the fall of fiat currencies is nothing new and that the US has made it this far ONLY because we are the default reserve currency of the world. There have been 440 economies based on fiat currencies in modern history…. They have all come to the same demise, FAILURE. Having an education in Engineering with a minor in mathematics I do not believe that the US is exempt from the natural laws of economics. Please watch the video and prepare as you deem appropriate. You may want to research “normalcy bias”; it explains why people have a hard time excepting the true outcome of a situation that has played out the same way again and again throughout history. I keep hearing from my friends and family that the US is different. That is true. The US is in much deeper shit than any country in history. If you doubt that watch the entire video. You cannot deny the logic!!