Thursday, March 23, 2017


If there is anybody out there that thinks otherwise they better stop taking their anti-depressants and let reality kick in. "Nothing and no one" is going to stop what is already in motion - a blind alcoholic can see what is coming.

 Islam is being backed by trillions of dollars from the Middle East - with the western traitors of power backing all that is Islam - opening more and more doors for them to come in - while they try and appease their indigenous people's with all kinds of promises to curtail immigration - when we see the opposite taking place.

They are professional liars - they are using all the tactics of the con-man - then you realise your way of life has gone. We are talking life and death here - for that is what we are being set up for - they are already sacrificing millions across Europe in a pillaging and raping by the villains they let in. We here more and more of Islam threatening us all across the white western world - a holy war is now openly spoken about if we do not capitulate to them. Islam is becoming bolder and bolder as they grow in numbers - take up positions of power within white governments - and all down the pyramid of political authority to our towns - cities - streets.

 Better get prepared for it will all change in the blinking of an eye as the world sits on the edge of a precipice of scores of volatile situations that will change it overnight. The global build up of volatility is about to be ignited. Like a workforce all smoking in a gunpowder factory - there goes the world leaders. <<< YOU TRUST THEM???