"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Homelessness Crisis Getting Out Of Control all over America

Rising rents, a housing affordability crisis, largest ever wealth gap between rich and poor, deteriorating jobs market, and an economy cycling into a slowdown are some of the complex factors that have recently shifted tens of thousands of people onto the streets of America . The homeless problem is only going to get worse . Simple supply and demand will keep increasing the housing and living costs to out of sight levels. And It’s only a matter of time before it comes to your front door . By that time it’ll be way to late to even slow it down, and our wonderful country will be turned into a new third world country. You can see it happening in California and New York now . This problem is only going to be exacerbated as costs rise and with the trade war they surely will, not to mention food prices due to the intense historical flooding and storms in the Midwest that has prevented many farmers from planting their crops. For many many Americans, living check to check, a rise in just one major cost whether rent electric or food is enough to be on the streets. If this is peak economy, Wait until the next recession. I remember Trump talking about unemployment numbers being fake, I don't hear that so much now, yet here we are with a homelessness crisis. It's almost like he is just giving tax breaks to the rich, driving the country in debt and not raising people out of poverty. The outsourcing of jobs has continued under Trump. Companies may have left China, but they did not come back here. American jobs have been terminated under Trump and moved to Mexico. Trump's new trade deal changes none of that. Recession is starting to bite down as more and more of the middle class have past their credit limits and starting to default and face eviction even when they have jobs ...Most of the homeless in California have jobs, they just don’t pay enough for housing. Rents are so high that people who used to rent cannot do it anymore. Thomas Jefferson once said : If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. Homelessness is being intentionally caused by our Government in order to : -Justify a rising Totalitarian Police State . -Scare people into staying at their Mc Donalds Jobs . - Keeps people working in unrewarding, dangerous jobs for fear of becoming homeless. All of these things are useful to the Oligarchs. We know this situation is intentional because it costs 6 times less to house and feed people than to pay for cops, emergency rooms, crime, and all the problems that homelessness causes. There is another reason too... The Oligarchs understand there will be a tidal wave of homelessness when the phony endless growth and endless debt economy finally self-destructs, and caring for all the victims will be impossible.