"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Monday, February 24, 2020

Benjamin Fulford : Bill Gates surrenders to the Chinese as secret war rages on

The secret battle for planet Earth is raging on with England, Russia, China and the Pentagon leading the charge against the Satanic Khazarian mafia. In the biggest development last week, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, fearing for his life, surrendered to the Chinese and is providing them with insider information about the Pharmacidical Mafia…Asian Secret Society and Pentagon sources say. The official Chinese Xinhua News Agency reports Gates offered $100 million to fight the “new coronavirus.” Chinese President Xi Jinping wrote to Gates: “I support your cooperation with relevant Chinese institutions, and look forward to enhanced coordination and concerted efforts in the international community for the sake of health and well-being of all.” http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-02/22/c_138807761.htm The “relevant Chinese institutions” Gates is cooperating with most certainly include the Chinese secret services. Asian Secret Society sources told the Pentagon last week that they are aware the bioweapon attack on China was carried out by the same people who assassinated President John F. Kennedy and orchestrated 9.11. The Asians and the Pentagon are thus cooperating and sharing pinpoint information to ensure all guilty parties “are led to justice.” Now we need to look at the role of U.S. President Donald Trump and his regime in this whole business. A key hint is the escalation of the panic surrounding the “coronavirus,” otherwise known as the common cold virus. It’s spread intensified in earnest after the U.S. corporate government formally defaulted on February 16th. This pandemic is being staged to provide cover for the cut off of credit (and thus deficit-financed imports) that the U.S. is experiencing right now.