"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Sunday, March 29, 2020

👉This is Agenda 21 Unfolding in Front of Our Eyes -- Global Totalitarian Police State.

👉This is Agenda 21 Unfolding in Front of Our Eyes -- Global Totalitarian Police State.

Never let a crisis go to waste. Especially a government manufactured crisis. The Elites needed a pandemic lie to shut the countries down.Now they have it. With over 3 billion people throughout the world in lockdown, countless businesses forced to close and going bankrupt, and social distancing from the COVID-19 invisible enemy the new norm, indeed. This is unprecedented in the world's history. The politicians are doing the same exact thing as they do when they get us into war. The governments are closing down entire economies. They and the media have declared fighting the virus a WAR. And, just as they take us to war after war with no exit strategy, so, too, their lockdown war strategy has started the Greatest Depression with no exit strategy that can stop the global economy from crashing. We are going to see crime levels going off the charts. As the little people cannot pay the rent and bills. These politicians are all telling us what to do because they do not have to worry about getting paid; they steal our money in the name of taxes. You cannot put millions out of work and not expect this thing to explode in a way we have never seen before in history. This thing was going down before. They only propped up the equity market with trillions of dollars created out of thin air. The world is being led into the Age of Biological Terror with controlled demolition of the economy that is already causing unprecedented carnage across markets and around the globe. Instead of fixing the broken Healthcare System, they would rather kill off the people who need it the most. This is Agenda 21 unfolding in front of our eyes. The FED will be the Government to the government. We are being played and robbed. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. Please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels. I do upload videos there, too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank You. Agenda 21 or Agenda 2030 is The United Nations Depopulation Plan To Kill us. The global cabal of U.N. Agenda 21 is behind global warming, regionalism, zoning, land and water use control, wealth redistribution, weakening, and eventual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. And now in 2020 we are witnessing marshal law in Countries around the world due to a manufactured disease. Mass Mandatory vaccines will be here soon. People will be begging for a vaccine. This is a war against the people. This is unfolding before our eyes. It has all been manipulated to change life dramatically as we know it. The dots are connecting now at faster than ever, and the picture looks ugly. AGENDA 21 WILL reduce the human population from almost 8 Billion to around 750 Million. This means that The UN is planning on killing just over 90% of the global population. COVID-19 is just one step closer to this agenda. And it seems to be a huge step forward. The green new deal is agenda 21 2.O it just encapsulates everything these elite want in one document. Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” Said Henry Kissinger, a long time ago. Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. 98% are still sleeping, and the ones who are aware feel powerless. But why? Out fate isn't sealed, I strongly believe that once awareness has hit a critical mass, it will spread exponentially, like a virus. Mass media obviously didn't say a word about this. A few years ago, the people of Iceland overthrew their government and banking system. The Global economy was already set to crash. They wanted to shift blame and reward the criminals with trillions of our money, amongst other agendas like killing us off. And things are about to get just a little crazier. In 4 days, rent is due. Hard to believe, but, this is the first new month since the Corona virus lockdown. Millions have been nervously waiting for the 'relief' package from the government, but, that will arrive a month late. As the bills pile up (rent, car payments, credit cards, etc) millions will begin to get scared about more than just catching the virus. They will be demanding relief, to go back to work, or just to start stealing what they need. So far, the public has been patient and tolerant of the restrictions on movement, loss of income, loss of socialization, loss of recreation, etc. I believe that patience is coming to an end. The emergency state is now out in the open for all to see. Unfortunately, “we the people” refuse to see what’s before us. Most Americans, fearful and easily controlled, would sooner rouse themselves to fight for that last roll of toilet paper than they would their own freedoms . In A Time of Universal Deceit...Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act. There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press. They are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. They are the jumping jacks, they pull strings, and we dance. Their talents, their possibilities, and their lives are all the property of other men. They are intellectual prostitutes. If voting made a difference, you wouldn´t be allowed to do it. Democracy is simply an illusion. If your vote meant or changed anything, it would be illegal. Left-right liberal-conservative are all the opposite sides of the same coin ; with no basic difference at all the outcomes are always preordained. We are trapped in a corrupt system. A rigged game we cannot win however, we vote. We agree on one thing for sure that is to get rid of the central banking system that enslaves the world. Cancel all debt and start over by living within our means on a personal and national level. How can a country maintain a triple-A credit rating yet has to borrow just to service the interest payments on the existing debt. We can't even meet the interest payments, never mind reducing the initial loan debt. Try that with the mortgage on your house, see how far that will get you. We allow ourselves to be well and truly screwed, sad to say. There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. Bill Gates is going to force us to take vaccination with a microchip into our right hand because cash has the covid19 strain on it. The 'internet of things' is 5G, the Skynet grid surveillance grid, and the frequency weapon grid, will bathe us with radiation and radar scan us 24/7 and scan everything. That's why 'everything will be connected to the internet of things,' to create the body for artificial intelligence. A sensor/eye transmitter on every street light 500ft down the road, hundreds of thousands of them or more at the moment, and more being put up. DARPA already has the brain. It's the internet. Not only that, but they also want to be able to predict the future with this technology and weapon grid to use as a weapon against humanity if we all start protesting or something. 2030 is the bottom of the GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM, you will know by next year we are in it. Prepare now, prepare, build a greenhouse, save seeds, can food... We are in trouble if you are not prepared. We are gonna be "micromanaged" in 2030 by AI, and this Agenda is pushed now by PsychoTechnocrats Elite to achieve that goal, and sadly, most have Stockholm Syndrome about this Fact! Destruction of humanity is imminent in the name of greed. I HOPE THE Justice will prevail and stop this madness. The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation … The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties … [and] control the majority of the newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen [and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection. "I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me & the financial institutions at the rear. The latter is my greatest foe. Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed." -Abraham Lincoln, letter to William Elkins, Nov 21, 1864. (just after the passage of the debt causing National Bank Act [June 3, 1864], right before the assassination). When people finally realize that they are the ultimate source of power and energy on this planet, they will understand what the AI programming is all about. You are the ultimate battery that the powers that be want to run their system on. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels. I do upload videos there, too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a small donation. Thank You.