"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Saturday, April 18, 2020

đŸ‘‰Historic Drop In Retail Spending -This is The Greater Depression & The Rising of Neo Feudal Society

đŸ‘‰Historic Drop In Retail Spending -This is The Greater Depression & The Rising of Neo Feudal Society

This is not just a Recession; This is The Greater Depression and the establishment of a Neo Feudal Society. The worst recession since the Great Depression. Over a billion in lockdown, millions of jobs lost. Countless businesses are already defaulting on payments. Countless people around the globe are not able to pay their rent. The global economy is crashing. It will be known as the Greatest Depression. The market is stagnant. There is no liquidity, except when the Fed is pumping, and most of that will go to banker bonuses. The market ramping off lows has nothing to do with the economy and has everything to do with the Fed adding 2 trillion to its balance sheet in a little over a month. The bubbles don't care what the pin does after it pricks. We will not be resuming anything close to our old economy for a very long time, probably never. First deflation, then inflation, then hyperinflation, then currency crisis, then currency reset, then new cycle. Currency wars, trade wars, and world wars. It is becoming obvious that they have used the virus as an excuse to kick the table over regarding the economy. “The COVID-19 pandemic is inflicting high, and rising human costs worldwide, and the necessary protection measures are severely impacting economic activity. As a result of the pandemic, the global economy is projected to contract sharply by 3 percent in 2020, much worse than during the 2008–09 financial crisis,” said the IMF. In January, the IMF had forecast that the global economy would expand 3.3 percent this year and 3.4 percent in 2021. It is very likely that this year the global economy will experience its worst recession since the Great Depression, surpassing that seen during the global financial crisis a decade ago. The pandemic is ‘very likely’ to cause the worst recession since the Great Depression, with the global economy expected to contract by 3% in 2020. More evidence is showing just how badly the virus has devastated the American economy. Store and restaurant sales plunged in March. And the nation's industrial output is down by the largest amount since the end of World War Two. The global oil markets slump, and US banks are expecting a flood of loan defaults from homes and businesses hit hard. These growing economic concerns are fueling a backlash around the country against the government restrictions and lockdowns and the right to work. People are getting fed up with the shutdown and simply start ignoring it, especially as the weather gets better. Across the country as the lines to the food and unemployment offices grow longer, patience is wearing thin for the restrictions meant to save lives. There is a historic drop in retail spending. The economy doesn’t mean anything if none of the citizens have the money to buy anything. The Collapse is inevitable. Capitalism only survives if people have money to spend. Yet our government wants to keep us broke and subservient. Essential goods likely soared in sales, while non-essentials collapsed. And April sales will show to be much worse than March's as many states didn't start their stay-at-home orders until later in March. It's possible we could have a food shortage in the near future. With China shutdown, retail was scrambling to get their spring clothing inventory out of China, often paying huge amounts of money to airfreight it because of the close down at China ports. So they stocked up, burning their margins, and then we went on lockdown. Most of the retail chain doesn't have the infrastructure for internet sales, IF, they could get their inventories back to warehouses for distribution. The Spring Clothing market crashed by 50%. On top of that, they have an inventory they can never sell. They ate huge costs. In the meantime, meat processors shut down, fruit going unpicked, milk being dumped, and then there's the fact that even after things restart, a lot of employers have to start almost from scratch because most workers have either found other jobs, are looking, or are sitting back waiting to blow through stimulus money before bothering with a job again. It'll be at least a month or two after restarting before things even begin to come back together. The difference being the 2007/8 recessions were man-made, meaning it was a bank-robbing the national treasury. This time around if the sane Robber Baron policies are enacted, the result will be a global revolt against the big thieves. Many companies already had razor-thin profit margins pre-crisis, so whatever recovery comes afterward is going to end with a lot of bankruptcies. Coming out of this, people are going to be more selective with their consumption, and this is going to result in a significant collapse in retail. Get ready to see plenty of "For Lease" signs six months from now. COVID shows the danger in a capitalist economy that is based on shareholders first. It's important to see that there were ALREADY a few crashes (other than the financial crash) that were looming way BEFORE the epidemic even happened, what an easy scapegoat for the elite to impose blame for their selfish actions and traditionally point the finger at another country in the same blame. Hate to sound conspiracy-minded, but, THE MOVIE VERSION: Not wasting a crisis, maybe close, contemporaneous planning for the death of brick and mortar. Stage Three: Full Recession. Governments, FEDERAL and STATE, will have to let go half of the non-producing workers. The FED cannot paper over 20% unemployment and a 30% hit to GDP. That is a full recession!!! If you want to fix the economy, then give everybody money! Instead of the banks and the corporations, give the people money so they can go out and spend it. The only thing that's going to fix the economy is if the actual citizens have money in their hands. An economy based on people buying useless crap is built on clay anyway. America is as empty as a chocolate Easter bunny. A usurious fractional reserve fiat currency system based on debt and run by the banks is a very bad policy. Eliminate both, and peace and prosperity will finally come to planet earth. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here because you want to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Governments have just shown they can shut down economies. Restarting them will be extremely complex. Nothing happens by accident, and there are no coincidences. It was deliberate, but it will be sold to the people as mistakes or problems that can only be solved by global solutions. They will convince the people that the problems can be avoided or reduced if we have global governance. The Privately funded/owned Central Banks love war and crises. They loan out gobs of money to governments in the knowledge that these loans will NEVER be made whole . The interest is compounded until a government is at way over Debt to GDP ratios of 100. This economic contagion is far deadlier than any virus and vastly more destructive and farther-reaching in its social consequences ( destroyed lives, drug addiction suicide, breakdown of the social order ) a lack of vaccination against private bankers and Central Banks is the leading medical and economic crisis of our time. Just what they wanted a crisis so they can provide the solution and loan out more money and make interest on the made-up money and also set out new conditions for the loans. Typical banking pariah practice to bend them at the knees to guarantee your terms. Look out the worse is coming, this was just the start. You could see it happening in real-time in 2008-2009, as the 99% were forced to bail out the big players in New York City and Washington, DC. Now, in 2020, the same thing is happening all over again. The difference being the 2007/8 recessions were man-made, meaning it was a bank-robbing the national treasury. This time around, if the sane Robber Baron policies are enacted, the result will be a global revolt against the big thieves. The little guy is getting fleeced yet again, but each one is being tossed a $1,200 bone and told to go away. This time it is far worse, however, since millions are unemployed and millions more soon will be, with the ominous prospect of growing inflation looming on the horizon. The media is determined to blame China for the Coronavirus outbreak, and they’re also blaming China for not delivering a warning about the virus to the doorsteps of the White House, which they had no obligations to do. Who the media should be blaming is the National Security State, who’s responsible for monitoring all types of threats to this country. Undoubtedly, the Security State has spied on the ground all over China, as well as listening devices and satellites in the skies that have the capabilities of seeing day or night what was occurring on the ground in the city of Wuhan. From what I can tell, the Chinese government didn’t keep the virus outbreak a secret. The World Health Organization ( WHO ) was informed and allowed by the Chinese government to tour several cities that were impacted by the virus. The media is engaging in selective Propaganda against China. Even in the interim of learning of a potential world pandemic, Trump and Governors like Cuomo drug their feet and even ridiculed the idea of shutting down the country and the city of New York. So they can’t have it both ways, or pass the buck, by now blaming this entire perilous mess on the Chinese government! Moreover, leaders in this country completely bungled the response to the pandemic, so it serves no real benefits at this point to harp about China causing the country to lose six days or preparation. In reality, this country should have been prepared for a Pandemic 6, 8, or 10 years ago or longer. So in the scheme of things, of the US losing only six days of preparation time, it’s frankly laughable!!! Empires in decline always go to war to mask their domestic problems. Blaming others is the norm. The best enemy is one you create and control. Usually, the target is a weak neighbor or country that makes easy prey, or so the empire thinks. This end of the latest round of the fiat game will be worse as it affects not just us, but nearly everyone in our Western-led Old World Order. But this Old World Order led by the Secret Government or Satanists is being outed in favor of their New World Order. Global police state, so it's designed to collapse on cue this way. Which is why so many have spoken for years on what's happening. Easy to see once you recognize the pattern. Same with any data set, on any subject of study. Will the American led empire start WW3 before Mother Nature arrives in a few years to clean house and spend most of the students 'home'? Time is running out. We are in the final exam period. Those seeking to graduate to the 'dark side' will feel the same increased stress as those of us seeking the 'light.' As the two sides or polarities in consciousness face off. As the energy flow increases, the tension or stress on the 'wires' increase. Empires come and go... what is the common thread in our lessons here? Good vs Bad, Positive vs Negative. Same everywhere at all times... that represents the dynamic of the Tree of Life... money is just a tool, no the end goal for anyone, not a total dote... even psychos with have a brain know it's about power and control.... so the perversion of the Old World Order is near complete. The bailouts have gone from millions to billions to trillions in a matter of decades. All the real assets have been picked over by the insiders getting all the 'free' money... not so free for them if they have to pay it back... but then they don't care as the system is going to expire soon anyway and a fiat reset for the NWO will begin. Will War start first? That has always been the most likely 'next card' to play.... and why Russia and China, have had a hard time developing their countries when not under our Western domination.... but have the other countries made their choice? Stay here in Plato's Cave and continue the lessons or find the exit and leave. That's the endgame. Always best to keep your eyes on the prize. The short term charts only make sense within the context of the long term charts. And remember that study from the late 90's on "10,000 Years of Elliot Wave Analysis". Essentially the rise of 'civilization' since the reset at the end of the last ice age... our interglacial period... which is set to end soon.... same as Mother Nature arrives to end the Grand Cycle... cycles within cycles.... time for the clock to end. It's all about demographics. Too many old folks and not enough young folks. The Ponzi scheme can't work without a steady supply of new marks. The adjustment to a new monetary system not based upon population growth will start as depression as the old system implodes. The final effort to maintain the status quo will be war. When the powers that be are through destroying the economy of America and the world to the point that the 99% are so desperate, they will agree to anything. The globalist cabal is winning: they're killing off poor people, sick people, and small businesses. Here come depopulation and the neo-feudal society. Remember...it is all theater. We live in the matrix...elections are a theater of divisive manipulation and control. It is a distraction to keep us from seeing and understanding the real world. It is designed to keep us asleep, distracted, and unaware. It does not matter which candidate wins that they offer up. The people lose either way. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy!