The Lindsey Williams Blog : This Blog tracks the media appearances of Pastor Lindsey Williams and his interviews about , Oil prices, Alaska Oil and The Energy Non Crisis
"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams
Thursday, May 7, 2020
👉Post COVID-19 World The New Normal is an Abnormal Dystopian Future !!
👉Post COVID-19 World The New Normal is an Abnormal Dystopian Future !!
With the coronavirus pandemic, it's too easy to dismiss the way we're all now forced to live as the new normal. The truth is, it's not normal—nothing like it. The disease itself, the social distancing, the massive job losses, and the world's blown up economies, are completely alien to us. Governments are throwing enormous amounts of money at the problem, but it is impossible to put a price on the human cost of this catastrophe. Society will undergo a radical transformation, As we're waking up to the new normal. A return to work won't mean a return to normal. So even if you're waiting on the coffee maker, if you're standing in line at the canteen, if you're sitting on the bench you need to be aware of social distancing. Businesses will need to adhere to physical distancing measures, such as staggered seating and have deep sanitation and cleaning practices in place. Regular hand-washing covered coughing, and contactless greetings are already becoming common practice. The change in the workplace is going to be drastic and permanent. Checkpoints to screen employees and visitors, Plexiglass dividers creating walls around desks, Temperature Checks with infrared thermometer At The Door, mandatory Hand sanitizing with alcohol-based hand rub, location-monitoring apps and badges, artificial intelligence surveillance cameras, and high-tech health checks, mandatory masks and gloves, Elevators limited to use by just a few at a time, shared places to be booked in advance. In Italy, they are even installing traffic lights in front of washrooms. Large events will not take place And get used to see snowblower disinfecting the streets of your city. They’ve created this paranoia in and between people. The reality of COVID was that it was nowhere near as serious as the hysteria surrounding it. The number of infected people is proportionate to the population, very low, and the mortality rate was negligible. More people die of heart attacks. The fact that entire countries have thrown their economies and societies off a cliff as a result of this is not an achievement; it is an embarrassment. To all the people who panic and get hysterical when people do things like sit next to each other and talk on a park bench. We are going to live in the Orwell 1984 world anywhere, not just in China. This COVID was the best excuse to trample on our constitutional rights!!! The power that the state has grabbed and used against us during the coronavirus outbreak will not be returned to the people when it's over. And as Gerald Celente puts it: this new normal as these fools, freaks, lying, lowlife politicians, are calling it; is actually the abnormal that they live into; that they breathe; and that they sell. There's nothing normal about it. Travelling will become extremely difficult, we might be required to have an immunity passport or to be quarantined for 14 days upon arrival, or GOD knows what they will come up with. Tourism is now a local shop. International food shopping from a box, jar, packet. Finding the veggies and meat. Travel is now a walk to a shop. A travel itinerary is what food to buy. Restaurant? Cooking at home. Hotel? Bedroom at home. Cafe culture?, A big jar of instant coffee and a webcam. Valet parking? Your own parking garage. Tour guide? An internet search, that new ebook. Schools are going to look a lot like prison camps. Based on what we're supposedly going to try and do with social distancing, there's no chance in hell education is going to look the same. Or even work the same. The worst is yet to come, believe me. Just the logistics of a school building that's supposed to hold 2000, 1000, 500, whatever. When are students ever more than 6ft apart from each other? Almost all the time. I get that they're spitballing as well at this point, but I just don't think our kids are going back to school in the fall -- presuming we're still insisting on social distancing. It's obvious the powers that be are trying to condition us for that. This social distancing thing will be an important part of all offices, shops, stores, and similar establishments- government and non- government for the foreseeable future. The two-meter rule is to help them embed your phone ID and location into new internet of things surveillance system. Social distancing is the new normal. SOCIAL DISTANCING IS NOT A LIFESTYLE. It is important because it allows your mobile phone location to embed in the new internet of things surveillance system. That’s why it’s two meters. The US is now literally a reality TV game show. China will look like Freedom Fantasy Summer Camp after they get done with America. Even churches are being kept on lockdown, and the few that are being allowed partial re-openings have to agree to state control of how the services are performed. Does this remind you of anything, as you spend your $1,200 allotment and check the food bank schedule? The only reason anything is opening up is so the auctioneer can get in to liquidate. There is no pent up demand. Cascading failure waves will be like a three-year tsunami. Urban areas will have huge problems. The problem is not much the lack of food, but a breakdown in supply chains. Dystopia is our future as long as we permit this insanity to continue. These people are permanently damaged. There's no talking them off the ledge now. There is no co-existence or dialogue possible going forward. They will accuse you of trying to kill everyone if you even dare suggest going back to normal. This is what they want. You won't be able to stop it. Sensible, sane people need to start planning to relocate to states where the population hasn't been destroyed by East and West Coast paranoia and propaganda. Life is too short to fight unwinnable wars. What happened over the last six weeks is like fifty nine-elevens all at once. It will become clearer by the end of the summer—no going back. I don't think we are ever returning to pre-COVID. This is a Brave New World. George Orwell’s 1984 in full bloom! And all that for a virus where over 90% are going to be fine. This is the future dream of our overlords. No social connections, slaves to the system. Everything will be done online, so it will be monitored. Mainstream media is nothing more than an extension of government now. And our governments are no longer independent. Don’t close your eyes to what’s right in front of you; there is an agenda at foot. There were floods in the 1970s in China that killed hundreds of thousands; that is hundreds of thousands. The Tsunami in East Timor just a few years ago also killed hundreds of thousands, and the world hardly blinked. Every year 6,300,000 children die, and nobody stopped the world for that. 2.6 million people die from cancer every year, and we keep polluting ourselves in every possible way! 811000 people die from alcohol every year, and we keep promoting it in all ways. Governments directly contributing do spreading via promoting alcohol and allowing global companies to poison our food, air, water. It is ridiculous to not ban alcohol and yet destroy all constitutional rights to save the same number of people. Will people finally wake up and resist this manipulation?! There's so much hidden behind all this world Pandemic that we don't see and know. Don't fall for this "New Normal" sell, being foisted by the Globalists. Normal is and always has been what you personally make it. This is just another attempt at mass control of society. The red pill or the blue pill; most took the blue one. We're just starting to see the full effects of this shitshow. Fill your freezers while you can. Gas up. Propane up. Ammo up. Don't be fooled by the idea that things are loosening up. The light at the end of the tunnel is a train. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I know people that still haven't gone "back to normal" after they got spooked by 2008. This economic suicide will have life long impacts on a lot of the people living through it. It's not just psychology. It's derailed careers. Derailed educations. A gap in their economic feedback loop. They're not acquiring capital right now to generate income to spend later if you don't build a business, or a house, or a marriage, a career, etc. You do less and have less perpetually down the line. Marriage rates are at record lows all throughout the Western world. Divorce rates are going up. A lot less children will be born due to the uncertainty and sense of panic the Governments created over this silly little virus. I can't believe we are going into this with so many people not understanding what we are facing. This is something to worry about over some stupid cold virus. For decades to come, people are going to be asking what made them commit economic suicide over nothing. Just to keep a stock market bubble alive? Just the very notion that destroying 1/4 of GDP can possibly be twisted logically into being good for stocks is a sure sign that our thinking is completely off the rails. It shall be noted that this is the result of government RESPONSE to an overwhelmingly non-fatal disease. They have to make a number of asinine assumptions in order for GDP to return to new highs. 1. They somehow find a way to completely butcher inflation statistics, hedonic adjustments, etc. 2. They have to assume nobody is going to lose their temper and burn down a town or two. In other words, no chimp outs. 3. They have to assume that people will want to go out and spend money at places that look like a freaking Emergency Room. 4. They have to assume that people are going to want to invest in a new business despite knowing that government could, for any stupid reason at all, shut you down and destroy your new business and your years of savings that went into it. I just don't see it. Magical, wishful thinking on that V recovery. The sick, dead, and unemployed don't contribute to GDP. The sick and unemployed take a long time to become "productive." The decision-makers all have security-cleared brokers who refer to their decision-maker clients as Jack, as in I'm all right. They all have several offshore tax dodge accounts. Their brokers will take secret insider info from their Jacks and make hay most each and every day. Their future looks bright until their planned stock market collapse strikes the world. It is only temporarily being artificially propped with free money from central banks, so more people will not be discouraged from going even deeper into debt before they pull the plug. This international banking octopus has this thing well planned. And this secret fraternity at the very top are no dummies. The people didn't commit economic suicide over anything. The governments instructed them to do so by decree. Our thinking is definitely off the rails thanks to the Fed's all-powerful printing press and associated media minions. It is not the result of the disease itself. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy, friends!