The Lindsey Williams Blog : This Blog tracks the media appearances of Pastor Lindsey Williams and his interviews about , Oil prices, Alaska Oil and The Energy Non Crisis
"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The National Debt Clock Is Flashing A Major Red Alert!
The National Debt Clock Is Flashing A Major Red Alert!
The National Debt Clock is flashing a major warning, Red Alert! this morning while working on another article I happened to glance at this indicator and recoiled in horror. While most people are aware the national debt has exploded, it brought my focus back to this subject. Many of us that watch the economy closely are still trying to get our heads around the rapidly unfolding covid-19 crises and the impact of trillions of dollars flowing into the financial system. America's debt has soared past 25 trillion dollars and is now expected to leap by several more by the end of the year.