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"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams
Sunday, July 5, 2020
👉There is No Recovery , What's Coming is WW3 and Economic Collapse !!
👉There is No Recovery , What's Coming is WW3 and Economic Collapse !!
Our “exceptional” country finally is number one in the world in food lines, unemployment, number of COVID19 infections and deaths, building walls, and exclusions from entering other countries. And remember, stocks only go up. That's what they are saying these days. There is a reason why the Fed and the IMF and CBO are panicking. They see that full recovery at best is a half-a-decade deal. The closure of restaurants and airlines is the trailer; the likely waves of bankruptcies is the main event. Stocks are up because we are awash with cash, and bonds are not investible. But the path of the economy is uncertain, and that will eventually weigh on stocks. There will never be a recovery. Recovery is 100% Impossible. We will never recover and repay the Government debt. We have already spent our Future away when we went deeper and deeper into debt. Nothing lies ahead, except Misery and Pain. The US Treasury is expected to continue providing the FED with trillions of taxpayer-backed funds to bail out large banks and Wall St. This is going to end in economic ruin. We've reached a permanently high plateau. Imagine if we had poured trillions into food, shelter, education, and healthcare for everyone instead of corporate debt. We can no more print our problems away than an alcoholic can drink his problems away. Both will end the same, in personal destruction and death. Almost everyone knows the economy will be flat for a few years. The goal is a soft landing, not a dive off a cliff. With governments that can create money at no cost, with no interest, we get the flood of paper. The Central bankers ended free markets, and here we thought the Communists were the biggest threat. No, it is the central bankers who did the inside job. One day the debt and massive risks will become apparent. One day the "market" will become self-aware of the massive debt overhang and have a massive coronary. Call it Reset, or Jubilee, or the Epic Correction, or end of 4th turning in the credit cycle. Hopefully, sooner than later, hopefully over quickly, and then the bridge across to what is next. The biggest problem is unfunded socialist pensions,10% of the debts are borrowing. 90% is pensions. As I've been saying for years, one-day the debt rises like a monstrous tidal wave and destroys everything in sight. Interest rates and the stock market are irrelevant. That day is coming. My highly suspect anecdotal evidence is telling me that unemployment has likely peaked, but that there is an ongoing deluge of closing retail establishments that will continue to bleed jobs. This trickle will continue to offset any job gains. It's not just the companies that had to lay off people back in March. It's the retail businesses that are bleeding cash and must either close or lay off people that were being protected by PPE. Anyone who thinks it's a V-shaped recovery is in for a huge surprise. The American stocks are grossly overvalued now. Wall Street is a Ponzi, a Casino; if you have money in it, you are a mark. How much money has moved lately from sports betting to the stock market? As markets rise, and especially as they rise sharply, so does the danger of a crash. As they watch a sharp rise, investors should reduce their equity positions to capture gains made so far and limit the danger to their portfolios. The market is being artificially held up by liquidity being pumped into it. That's clear to the experts. Soon the big players will reach maximum risk and decide to skim all the profits from the 401k's, 457's, and IRA's. That's when the market will slide down. This market is so overpriced and inflated ;when it pops,it will pop fast. But as usual, the rich will come out ahead, and those vast fund middle players will be standing wondering what happened. No top economist or financial guru really believes the market should be here and will go up from here. The Stock-market crashes generally take everyone by surprise--they feel like bolts from the blue. They're usually not. This is how the interplay of greed, fear, and imitation among investors and traders creates an accelerating rhythm of sudden rises alternating with increasingly brief pauses. This "mathematical signature" can begin months or years in advance, but its predictive value rises in the last year before the death of the bubble (which may be relatively calm, but usually is followed by a crash). All these market geniuses did, in the end, was just destroy everything. There is no " truth" or " honor" in America anymore. It's all liars and lies 24/7. It's all an Illusion. The market is totally off the rails and will likely come back to reality after November when Trump no longer needs the Fed to prop it up. The glorious debt-based monetary system that we're watching slowly self-destruct will eventually serve as a noose around the necks of Americans. As stated in The Grace Commission Report, all tax revenues extracted from the American people are entirely exhausted by merely paying the interest on the debt. Guess what the primary constituent of that debt is. Times up, it's all the interest-bearing currency in circulation, like those skids of $100 notes dropped in the deserts of the middle east or even those simply in your back pockets and purses. The problem with the US dollar is the enormous deficit the government has accumulated in trying to smooth out the plunge in the markets. This breaks fundamental economic principles. So people wonder, how much longer will other nations buy our financial offerings? There comes the point where most people say, "That can't be paid off; their currency will fall." That's why many people are moving away from the US dollar—or making plans to. The World Is Drowning In Too Much Debt For Rates To Go Up Again. Debt is too high; demographics are upside down ;now with baby boomers retiring, technology and globalization have killed many high paying manufacturing jobs.So without perpetual asset bubbles our economy never gets its head above water, and with them, we get 1-2% growth.The Fed’s hands are tied - keep the bubbles inflated, or irreversible financial doom awaits. Methinks The Power That Be , figured debt is so mind-blowingly high and unrepayable already another several Trillion dollars don't even matter. They'll just keep interest rates as low as they can as long as they can to keep that revolving debt door open in an attempt to keep the circus going as long as they can. The Ponzi continues! More debt, print more debt to pay the interest on the debt, then create more debt to pay the debt, etc. etc., etc. The calm before the storm, ladies and gentlemen . That is , what this is. Better start to prepare and worry about what is left after 2020. Because it is not going to be very pretty, they can put as much lipstick on the pig as they want. Eventually, you need earnings to price risk. Leveraged debt -especially those taken over with LBO's- is at levels that will rend more than a few companies unable to cover their debt services, aka zombies, including some of the big ones. To make things more interesting and dangerous, banks were given the gift of eliminating the Dodd-Frank risk self-dealing that created most of the damage in 2008. This is just the process that started in 2012 with leveraging everything and borrowing to the tilt. In terms of debt guarantees and interest rates, what the Fed is doing now is proportionally in net dollars, it is just slightly better than what they did until they try to deleverage their balance sheet on May 2018 and Wall Street got a tantrum and asked for a new round of QE. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. COVID caused a sharply upward jump in government, corporate, and individual debt that may become a major problem next year. Devaluation of the dollar and thus higher inflation and interest rates is becoming more likely, and it was falling interest rates that drove the stock market higher over the last two decades and encouraged more borrowing, which propped up the economy. And the end will come when COVID 19 will end. And it will end either by acceptance it cannot be eradicated, or it will be eradicated. Why? Because all those claims (fiat money) that the FED/Treasury and all other central banks will be tendered for production that will not have been accomplished. In comparison to production, far too much liquidity exists. And liquidity, like any liquid, will be unstable to outside shocks. It will slosh around, like in the post-1929 period. At that point, the question to be answered will be how governments will stop the tsunamis of financial capital from moving. After the first tsunami, social unrest will burst out. Everyone will believe they have been cheated/treated unfairly, etc. Capital controls will not work. What would it work? Anything? War? Been saying since the genesis of the "Greater Depression," 2007-8: The PRIVATELY-held [NOT]Federal [NO]Reserve and other major Central Banks will "QE to infinity" until the whole global financial fraud system implodes, as all Ponzis eventually do. Then there must be another big-ass war. WAR is the ultimate distraction/grifting tool used by the Power That Be international banksters/financial elites to "exit, stage left"/bug out to their remote, undisclosed, well-provisioned/secured digs from which they will again proceed to fund ALL the belligerents and . . . then the REBUILD with FIAT DEBT, "FUNDED" into circulation on the "AUTHORizing" signatures of the doofus pleb borrowers.The coupon/interest portion, of course, remaining UNfunded recycling their next pyramid Ponzi/REAL asset consolidation and eventual covert transfer/theft. Remaining productive/sane/INFORMED: citizens- ain't gone "red county rural" yet? Tick-tock. Yo, fellow productive "country-Folk" – GROUPed/GUNned/GARDENed and . . . System-D SIMPLIFIED on a portion of arable, unaddressed/unencumbered inland, rural GROUND .Carry on”! "Thrive-in-place"! Locked and loaded. No Fear, no Hate . Trump cannot save us. Only 'WE' can save ourselves. If your hope is in Trump or any other puppet politician at this point in time, you're already deluded. It was politicians who have brought us to this point, and each of them, are bought and paid for by huge money globalists. No politician has any real power. They are all only an illusion for the terminally stupid. Trump is definitely an anomaly among politicians, but he has no genuine support within our government. In fact, our entire government, city, county, state, and federal, is now completely and hopelessly corrupt, and would have to remove Trump long ago if he wasn't the catalyst for the mayhem and destruction they want. Trump was put in power to preside over the bankruptcy and dismantling of the US economy. A task which he is uniquely qualified for. Trump is the fall guy for their coming war, and I'm not sure he even realizes it. There would be war before the U.S. gives up its economic and military supremacy. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!