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"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams
Monday, September 7, 2020
Nightmare of Deficit Spending,Devaluation, & Hyperinflation,Welcome to Depression Greater than 1929
👉Nightmare of Deficit Spending,Devaluation, & Hyperinflation,Welcome to Depression Greater than 1929
The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation, Welcome to A Depression Greater than 1929 The Weimar Republic On Steroids Empty storefronts all across the country. Significant rise in homelessness. Repossession of cars, consumer goods. Personal bankruptcies. Mortgage defaults. Credit card defaults. Big box stores empty. Debt default is going to be apocalyptic going forward. The stock market is just a corporate casino with the deck STACKED in Wall Street's favor. It is a WELFARE BASKET CASE! Socialism for the rich. Hard rugged individualism for everyone else. America is rich, but most money on Wall Street has nothing to do with Americans. Half of the US population is struggling to make ends meet. With 1 million jobless claims piling up on a weekly basis and everything else that the middle school kids can figure out, most people STILL don’t even realize we have already entered a depression. The question is, will it be more severe than the Great Depression of 1929. Sad and disturbing that people can be so dumbed down. What is good for Wall Street is bad for Main Street. Our economy is being destroyed. It is now like a deer that has been fatally shot. It has taken off through the woods in a desperate attempt to escape danger, unaware that it is dying. We'll find the corpse in just a little while, ready to be field dressed. Greed continues to destroy our home, Mother Earth. Wars/bombs, toxic rivers, oceans, and marine life destroyed, tech debris in our hemisphere, forests destroyed. We're moving towards a humanitarian phase, and those who resist it will find it difficult to continue in its path of destruction. Man-made disasters, not natural disasters. Nature wins, and humanity loses due to narcissist incompetence world leaders. And people living in developed countries are also to blame. Because we want cheap goods from overseas. Foods transported over vast distances and involving the decimation of rainforest and other natural environments. Vast manufacturing environments in Asia are spilling forth pollution and greenhouse gases and polluting the oceans - all because of high consumption levels, without personal restraint. So much unnecessary junk being manufactured too! Because WE buy it. Nobody wants to pay the real price of things, factoring in environmental costs, and exploited foreign labor. Nobody, especially in the US, wants to pay more taxes to offset these problems. Can’t just blame politicians. America is still asleep. I don't know why most people don't see this coming!! This was going to happen regardless of the pandemic! The pandemic and lack of leadership are going to make it last a decade or longer. This is criminal what our world leaders have done!! Of course, we are heading to great depression; because financially and economically, everything is turned upside down, jobs have been cut off, salaries are cut off, and poverty is hitting so many countries. No one knows when this is ending; because so many people have lost their jobs. We are already in a new depression era again. It’s a cycle of capitalism: boom then fall. A Permanent Great Depression! Something must change; infinite growth is not possible in a finite world. Our decaying world environment, Governments, US politic, social discourse, and so much more about the way we live today offers little to get excited about. We're in dire straits, no matter how you slice or dice our current situation. If anyone thinks the US is indestructible, let me ask you: is there anyone here who would have predicted the demise of the USSR in a nonviolent way? The USSR collapsed due to its own inner inconsistencies, and the USA, as wonderful of an experiment as it is, has huge and similar inconsistencies. Definitely, If you live in a big city, sell all your assets, move to the countryside and buy a farm. Everything in the system has been cleverly designed to do one thing and one thing only. To prevent the mass population from having access to land and growing their own food in a small local community. It’s not any more complicated than that, and if we were to do this, it would solve 90% of the problems. And we wouldn’t need to go to work 40+ hours a week. We wouldn’t have to ship merchandise from China made by slaves. We wouldn’t have to go to war and fight over resources. Because everyone is already provided for, and everyone is focused on being responsible for their land and their food, and their community. The problem is the globalized free-market hunger games economy, which forces the individual from being responsible to being dependent on the system to provide the means of living. And unfortunately, the system is controlled by psychopathic mad scientists who want to play God with human lives, like pawns in a chessboard. Or writing a script for a Hollywood movie, and then have everyone act out that script. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional; as you know, it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. There is so much going on - none of it good. Every reason to trust and hold The US dollar by foreign investors is being slowly and systematically demolished by the FED. The dollar has overstayed its reign as the world's reserve currency. It should have ended when Nixon abrogated Bretton Woods. The petrodollar deal cut with the Saudis requiring payment for oil in dollars kept the dollar in play. With the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, you have trillions of US dollars held overseas in various forms in part because nations need dollars to conduct trade and because many consider the dollar a lower risk than their own currencies. The US has been faking statistics since Carter - it's easier to lie than fix things. So inflation and unemployment are vastly understated with GDP OVERSTATED as a result. Unemployment has been over 20% since the last crash. Inflation has been in double digits for years in most urban areas. Meanwhile, wages stagnate at best (effectively going down). At some point, the US won't be able to force the rest of the world to take dollars in payment for goods with real value. We've looted the world's natural resources for 100 years. Since we can't get away with paying our workers nothing anymore, we shipped most of our industry elsewhere. But the US dollar is losing value. At some point, the rest of the world won't accept dollars. When that happens, anyone holding US dollars in any form will try and exchange soon to become worthless dollars denominated currency and debt for ANYTHING with real value. Even if the rest of the world won't accept the US dollar, we HAVE to accept them here. So foreign holders of the US dollar will be buying US farmland, mines, what's left of industry, and shares of any viable company. Better to overpay for something of value than being stuck holding worthless paper. Of course, Americans will be utterly screwed - outbid by foreigners for everything. The only way out of this is to make all the US dollar held overseas invalid, but that would mean the end of the trade with any other nation outside the US. There's a tin hat theory based on (seriously) comic books from the Fed that claims this is the intent - to utterly crash the financial system. They claim that the plan has been for the US to use up natural resources from the rest of the world - paying for them in paper money. Meanwhile, the US hoards and protects natural resources at home on National Parks and military bases. Either way, we're screwed for at least a decade. Given the state of the planet, we may not have the time needed to recover. When investments led to industrialization in farming, autos, clothing, public transportation, bulk transportation. Prices fell There was so much corn on the market in the 1920s & the price so low; price deflation was real. So now in retail, with online cell phone shopping and cheap warehouse delivery systems. Prices are falling for real Deflation, lower prices, is caused once again by innovation and investment. A lot of consumer items are actually cheaper. What really spiked in the last ten years are university tuitions. That leads to inflation, and the resulting student debt is causing a lot of unrest with the millennial generation and whatever the next generation is called. Combine that with a sluggish market for college graduates. Other items that went up a lot in the last ten years includes fuel for homes and medical services. Honestly, you have to be blind with the memory of a goldfish to not see inflation being out of control. This is no more insidious than in food prices. Throw in the cost of healthcare, along with the price of energy/food/automobiles and everything else. All have increased dramatically in comparison to wages. Inflation isn't running anywhere near the 2% goal of the Fed states. Everything -- tires, motor oil, candy, lumber, you name it. We're being sold a lie, so The Power That Be can inflate the national debt out of existence. That's the endgame. The system is designed to steal at least 50% of your purchasing power/savings over one working generation. Real inflation is the amount of currency. If you want to look at it as higher prices: asset prices are inflated all over the place, the cost of goods and services are up a lot more than what government numbers claim. Housing, education, transportation, and medical (fuel prices are actually fine and should be higher if not for the unsustainable fracking business model that is going to implode before it's all said and done). It all comes down to inflation goes to specific areas, and if you learn to actually look at the big picture and look at the real cost of living and everyday things, inflation is way up. If you want to look at investments, they are inflated to insane valuations. What is going to happen when these inflated bubbles pop? A massive loss of wealth for many in their retirement funds on top of a slowing economy and higher cost of living. Higher taxes or higher inflation from the loss of government investments for government-backed pensions, they won't just cancel them. The problems they are exacerbating and creating with their massive inflation of currency and massive inflation of prices is only getting started me thinks. Inflation is a big topic; there are many aspects of why it is there and always was. However, a more important issue now is that constant printing will come back to a source, plus with it, a hit will be stagflation/deflation/hyperinflation, and you will have a cocktail of unprecedented proportions. Welcome to the Weimar Republic on super up steroids. They know very well this can’t be sustained, but they will do whatever they can to continue as long they can, the outcome is well known. And yes, negative rates will be here to stay, which has another aspect to already complicated issues in the global economy. No fiat currency has ever stood the test of time. Not one. All fiat currency reverts to its intrinsic value, which is zero, as was stated by Voltaire. Is there any case where unlimited currency printing has not resulted in a collapse? If currency printing resulted in wealth, then those who live in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, etc. would all be living in mansions. Reality says otherwise. This will end with inflation, hyperinflation, financial collapse, societal collapse, and WWIII. I certainly hope I am wrong. How long this will take no one knows. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels; I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!