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"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams
Sunday, October 4, 2020
👉More Airlines Bailouts , They are now Too Big To Fail -- The Stocks Rally !!
👉More Airlines Bailouts , They are now Too Big To Fail -- The Stocks Rally !!
Airline stocks rallied Friday after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vowed additional aid. Airlines have pleaded with lawmakers and the White House in recent weeks for $25 billion more to preserve jobs.
PELOSI announces she will move stand-alone airline relief.
Here we go The TOO BIG TO FAIL BS AGAIN. Airlines are now too big to fail. Fast track corporate welfare. The American way.
Expropriate the public some more and hand it over to your billionaire friends for more stock buybacks.
Sure, why not. Bailouts for buybacks. And the plebes will still lose their jobs.
The corporates and banks are the largest welfare recipients in the US.
It worked!!!
Just threaten to lay off thousands in order to get a bailout. Works every time.
2008 - we needed to bail out the banks, or our economy will crash!
And the banks got a bailout, and billions in bonuses were being paid while our economy collapsed. We're on trillions now. Millions and billions are Chump change.
It is all a game. And if you know how to play it, you can make millions and billions.
Are the airline employees now the chosen ones? Can't they go on unemployment at $400 per week like the other tens of millions of unemployed Americans?
Why are they so important to keep employed; when the rest of unemployed America is still being left hanging.
If airlines get their $25 billion relief package, it doesn't mean those 30,000 employees who were going on furlough will have anything to do at work if the planes aren't flying. Is this a good use of taxpayers' money? Do the math on the bailout. Thirty thousand jobs and 25 Billion to save them. That’s almost a million dollars per job saved.
I have a better idea. Give each fired employee a quarter million, employees will be lining up to be the person who’s being laid off, and it’ll cost a quarter of the amount.
Just like PPP. All that money to the businesses, and next to nothing being passed on to the employees supporting them businesses.
Bailout the airlines while Americans get no bailout at all. More mismanaged mega-corporations being baled out, while mom and pop small businesses continue to die on the vine.
Good use of tax dollars has never, ever, ever been a consideration for any of those in congress. They are bought off shills for the large corporates who legally bribe them through campaign and contributions.
So typical of Congress. Just goes to show. And the stock market is rallying on this. The stock buybacks must continue—more money for wall street.
Sure they bail out their friends in big corporations and let the average small business owner starve. Let them eat ice cream.
When it comes to protecting their stock portfolios, Congress can move mountains. They are always generous with taxpayers' monies. Never-ending supply of taxpayer money to large corporate America - and screw the stupid taxpaying citizen tax donkeys.
Why not simply let the workers go on unemployment? It will be cheaper. They can come back to work if we ever get back to normal. Whatever the hell that is.
Relief for our corporate masters but nothing for we the people!!
And no money for the average person, so maybe they can afford to buy a plane ticket.
Airliners can go sell stock or bonds in the wide-open casino to raise cash. If they hadn't pissed away their money on stock buybacks to make the shareholders and executives rich, maybe they could weather the storm without taxpayer welfare.
Since when is it government's job to bail corporate America? When is this nonsense going to end? There has to be a line or impassable wall between those two. Otherwise, we just continue to have a crony capitalism, corrupt government, and legalized bribes, campaign financing, and lobbying. Vote-buying out in the open.
The Stocks on The Big Board will move higher. Congress and Corporate America mutual masturbation on display for all. And the airline stocks surge.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, this is pure FREE market capitalism.
Cronies have to play the game for campaign funds.
And remember the $1,200 single cheques or $600 in additional unemployment benefits is evil Socialism and must be ended in its tracks.
The little guy is always left out of that.
Bravo Pelosi, make sure the airline CEOs have enough money to finance your campaign. To hell with those poor slobs in the lines at food banks.
So I guess her friends had Long positions on Airlines. Now to cash them in and donate to the campaign.
This is the classic pump and dump. Some rich crony is selling their airline stock even as I write this.
Such obvious market manipulation should be a crime!
Always stroking the big boys. That's all these politicians ever do because they are massively corrupt. They couldn't give a damn about the average guy.
Having been involved at least to a degree with people in such positions ,I can assure you that the timing of this was planned. Planned to be announced the day the furloughs are beginning. Then Wonder of Wonders Woman sweeps in and saves the day. Could have been done days ago. Totally calculated to make it seem like Nancy is saving the day.
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Government bailing out these air zombies it created simply means the government is buying airline stocks.
Did any members of Congress buy airline stocks before this announcement? Same old BS Socialism for the corporations, crumbs for the peons.
It's only a moral hazard when the average citizen is getting their turn at the trough. Why didn't they pass a small stimulus bill for the poor schmucks who lost wages or rental income?
Sure, let's pour tons of free cash into the Industry that will suffer for five more years before return to normalcy rather than one that has a future.
Well, you don't have enough people working to pay for the people who NEED to be laid off because nobody's flying.
The government picking winners and losers. How many time have the airlines and auto manufacturers been bailed out. In the meantime, how many businesses, both small and big have been wiped from the face of the earth from the crisis. The airlines were really enjoying their record profits over the past how many years screwing over people with checked bag charges and how many other add on charges. Every time I have been on an airplane over these past three years they make you feel like they are doing you a big favor by flying on their airplane. So once again, the government pays the bill to keep their paychecks rolling in for not working and their Cadillac health care insurance premiums being paid and pensions maintained.
Any economy that requires the government (i.e., taxpayers) to sustain its industry is a fascist economy by definition.
So if you pick the right industry like banking or airline, you can’t lose. And that’s supposed to be a fair market? Let them fail, and assets liquidate, then new operations can evolve. How long are we going to let this happen????
Why aren't any of these airlines issuing stock to fund their business? They are more concerned with dilution than layoffs and want the government to make them whole with another free money bail-out. Let them eat cake. This is ridiculous.
Airlines would not be in the predicament they're in now if they hadn't spent virtually every free dollar they had on stock buybacks and huge bonuses for their executives .Bonuses, no doubt based on how great a job they were doing in keeping stock prices inflated by their buyback. So instead of bailing them out, how about forcing them to first liquidate all the stock they bought back? Sure, they would have a loss on the buybacks given their prices today, but it would certainly be a lot fairer than just bailing them out to do exactly the same thing again, again,and again.
Isn't it nice to know that the congress people can tell any company at any time not to worry about profits or losses because we have enough human citizens that are overly eager to be considered the collateral for all loans made by them.
Oh congress, how many current and future slaves have you made?
When it is time to collect on those loans, it is almost a guarantee, not one politician will have a residence in this country at that time.
Politicians have been building one big bug out bag for themselves all along.
Let's pay to keep a dying industry afloat! We can print money! Money for nothing, print some for Everybody!
Air travel is down and won't be coming back for many years. Airlines have depleted PPP.
Lay them off; they'll apply for unemployment.
Real unemployment is over 25%, not around 8%. Over 30 million were on unemployment six weeks ago; since then, nearly a million a week are filing unemployment claims.
September 2020 ShadowStats Alternate Unemployment is 26.9%.
So Pelosi's knee jerk reaction is to give the Airlines a bailout.
Pelosi should have negotiated a $1.6 trillion stimulus instead of $2.2 trillion, but Airline workers are unionized. So they get bailed out to show Nancy cares.
There are far more people hurting than Airlines workers.
Gotta protect them boomer's 401s and IRAs by propping up failed airlines. Not allowing younger and more innovating companies that aren't in bed with the TSA ball-ticklers to move in and make our lives cheaper and easier.
Pathetic oligarchy that makes the Soviet Union blush.
Corporations don't even need buybacks. With all that money, the federal reserve is investing in the markets, which are artificially inflating stock prices. Companies can issue new shares at this elevated level and pay big bonuses and dividends.
But we love those Stocks, print that money till infinity!!!!!! Inflate EVERYTHING!!!
How about a stand-alone package for mom and pop businesses. These airlines were running on fumes before the pandemic, and the management was self-enriching through stock buybacks. Bad decisions deserve bad consequences.
Nice, let's spend tax payers money to finance a business with no forward plan because they scared the living hell out of people, and now they don't want to fly, and let's let the people wallow in the mud. So far, these morons have done everything wrong, unless that's the plan. Anything for a doomed business and nothing for the people.
Has anyone thought maybe, just maybe, if they'd put money in peoples hands and let them decide where it goes, they might get a real return on their investment. Nah, that'd be too capitalistic. Better to just prop up their bosses.
Fun fact during this Pandemic, TSA made no job cuts. Instead, gave all employees an extra day off a week since there was so little work because they mainly just stood around because of the drastic decrease in travel. The government doesn't really care if anything is being produced or a service is rendered. They will pay one person to dig a hole then a second to fill it back up and call that an economically viable job. Just don't question the sanity of the system and what's really going on.
Everything wrong is the plan.
Socialism for the wealthy, dog-eat-dog capitalism for you and me.
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