"The Currency of the Elite is Gold & Silver Don't sell your Gold don't sell Your Silver " Pastor Lindsey Williams

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Get Your Money Out Of The Banks Now .

I have always suggested that people try to get their funds out of the banking system. They the banks are terribly risky ,and I’m not even dealing with the one quadrillion dollars of derivatives and what chaos may go on there. That’s the big concern to me — the whole banking system and whether we get some spill-off from The Deutschbank situation . At any moment the shoe could drop here in the sense that people decide, ‘Hey, the banking system is not safe.’ And any time you are dealing with a banking institution that is levered 25 to 1, all they have to do is lose 4 percent on their assets and there is no capital left . The rubber band is now stretched to a maximum and there are bubbles everywhere. Just like the world on the surface seems to have been functioning for ten years since the crisis, why couldn’t this continue for another ten years?. Yes, in theory it could but at some stage we will reach the point when that little boy calls out “the Emperor has no clothes.”

There is clearly a limit to how long the laws of nature can be broken and how long the world can live on air or manufactured money that has zero value since it has been created without any counter-performance. Most savvy investors are now talking about gold and the potential for much higher prices. But you must remember that I am not holding gold as an investment but for wealth preservation purposes in order to protect against a rotten financial system, and a bankrupt global economy. Gold is not held for short term gains but as insurance against the massive risks we see in the system. The biggest risk is the 1.5 quadrillion derivatives market, which at some point will evaporate in smoke. These derivatives only function in bull markets when there is liquidity in the system. In the coming bear markets, there will be no liquidity and the derivatives bubble will implode as counter party not only fails but also disappears. There will be no one on the other side of all these derivative trades which have been the most massive money spinner for the bankers. Deutsche Bank is an example of the coming derivatives disaster. Today, most of savvy investors, hold at least 25% of their financial assets in gold. Some hold a much bigger percentage. they believe strongly that wealth preservation is extremely important at a time when risk is greater than ever in the global financial system. If the financial system still has major unresolved problems like massive debts and derivatives, then it will still not be the place to put your money. Only when debt and derivatives have imploded and the system restructured will it be safe to put your money or assets in the financial system. The precious metals rally hasn’t really started yet . this is THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME . GOLD WILL BUY YOU INCREDIBLE BARGAINS when the System implodes .