Monday, October 15, 2012

Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty 10-06-12 - Impending Financial Collapse

Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty 10-06-12 - Impending Financial Collapse

Lindsey Williams on Radio Liberty 10-06-12 - Impending Financial Collapse here are some key point : the most significant day in the history of the American dollar since its inception was Thursday September the 6th during the democratic convention that was the day when China announced that any country in the world that wishes to can use the Chinese currency the Renminbi to trade crude oil , the next day September the 7th Russia announced that it well sell China all the crude oil it needs and they will not use the American dollar for the sale and trade , Crude Oil is the standard currency of the world it is not the US Dollar says Lindsey Williams , the currency of the elite is not paper it is gold and silver , the dollar will be dead before the end of 2012 but this does not mean it will cease to exist , within 6 to 8 months the dollar will crash as the trillions of US dollars that are in the international trade circuits will start coming back home , the chicken are coming back home to roast you better get out of any paper denomination ....