Monday, October 22, 2012

Lindsey Williams ~ The Elite want Obama ousted

Lindsey Williams on radio Liberty 16 Oct 2012 gives his latest lite information concerning QE3 the FED the coming US presidential elections and much more The Dollar is already Dead , America will be Destroyed there will be no food shortages on the grocery stores shelves but you will go hungry because the prices will be so high that you won't be able to afford the purchasing power of the dollar will be destroyed , the elite are mad at Obama , the dollar will be dead before the end of this year , one of the elite's agenda for 2013 is FEAR , fear of war and terrorist attacks they want to shut down the masses brains don't fall for it says Pastor Lindsey Williams , the elite have bought your house out of thin air and they have learned that you will not revolt or riot like Greece , so they will bring in the NWO gradually to America ....