Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lindsey Williams on Real Estate, 2012 and the Dollar

Lindsey Williams on Real Estate, 2012 and the Dollar

latest Lindsey Williams : The Federal Reserve bought Your House last week with QE infinity paying for it with thin air , every piece of mortgage real estate in the united states will be owned by the federal reserve (a private bank) , they will they are going to take your mortgage and they are going to fractionally reserve your mortgage and use it on the derivatives market. Personal assets are forbidden in the new world order.One of the main points is that the elites know that people won't resist them. That is certainly true. The only time the elites backed off was over SOPA and PIPA, but that was only because people wouldn't be able to download movies for free, when it comes to civil rights and finance, people don't care, the elites have figured that out. People have a short memory and a short attention span, so that is why they can keep doing what they do and not cause a revolution. The elites have won.